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Terms and Conditions

1. Booking and Payment:

To secure your reservation for our Exclusive Experiences Road Tour with Porsches, a non-refundable deposit of ₹50,000 per person is required at the time of booking. The remaining balance must be paid by the dates mentioned in the brochure. Available Sportscars can be reserved based on a first come first serve basis of payment of the above mentioned deposit.


2. Cancellation and Refund Policy:

Cancellations made by participants will result in the forfeiture of the deposit.

In the event of cancellations made within a specific period before the tour, a percentage of the total tour cost may be retained as a cancellation fee. 50% of the trip cost will be charged as cancellation fee, if the trip is cancelled within 60 – 30 days of the departure date. 100% of the trip cost will be charged as cancellation fee, if the trip is cancelled within 30 days of departure date. In the unlikely event of tour cancellation by our travel company, a full refund of all payments made will be provided to participants.


3. Itinerary and Changes:

The tour itinerary and schedule are subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances, weather conditions, or other factors beyond our control. We will make every effort to provide equivalent alternatives if necessary. Participants must comply with the scheduled start and end times for each activity to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Additional accommodation charges due to unforeseen delays in the journey and any cost arising out of unforeseen conditions like ill health, roadblocks, bad weather etc. will have to be paid additionally by the participants.


4. Health and Safety:

Participants are responsible for ensuring they are physically and mentally fit to participate in the tour activities. Any pre-existing medical conditions or dietary requirements must be disclosed during the booking process to cater to individual needs.


5. Travel Insurance:

We strongly recommend that participants have comprehensive travel insurance to cover any unexpected situations, medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or personal belongings during the tour.


6. Liability:

While every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of participants, our travel company will not be held responsible for any injury, loss, damage, or theft of personal belongings during the tour. Participants are solely responsible for their conduct during the tour and must adhere to the instructions given.


7. Personal Data:

By booking with us, participants consent to the use of their personal data for tour-related purposes in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


8. Photography and Media:

Participants may be photographed or recorded during the tour. By participating, they grant our travel company the right to use these images for promotional purposes.


9. Force Majeure:

Our travel company will not be held liable for any delays, changes, or cancellations resulting from circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, strikes, political unrest, or other force majeure events.


By booking with us, participants acknowledge and accept the above Terms and Conditions. These terms are subject to change without prior notice. Please review them regularly for any updates.

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